Image: Rose O’Brien, 2021 Environmental Art Project winning design
The theme of the 2023 Environmental Art Project, Helping Hands, environmental volunteering challenges teaches, students and parents to explore ways volunteering can help connect people and protect the planet.
Volunteers improve places in their community, but they also feel happier because they are satisfied with doing good work and making new friends.
What is volunteering?
Have you ever wondered what the benefits are of environmental volunteering?
Why do people volunteer?
What types of volunteers work in our community?
Volunteers work in groups to look after their community and the environment. Landcare volunteers care for nature reserves by weeding and planting native plants that provide habitat for wildlife.
Volunteers in fire brigades can also help look after nature by raking around habitat trees and carefully reducing fuel loads to prevent big wildfires.
Volunteers that sort donations for op-shops are also helping the environment, because they are enabling items to be reused and recycled instead of going into landfill.
Volunteers in community gardens are helping people learn about growing their own herbs and vegetables, which avoids lots of plastic packaging so that is good for the environment too!
Important dates 2023
Submission Location
7190 Great Eastern Hwy, Mundaring, WA 6073 (during office hours only)
276 Great Eastern Hwy, Midland WA 6056 (during office hours only)
Tuesday 21 November Entrants/schools notified of results
Wednesday 29 November Virtual exhibition of all entries online
Wednesday 29 November - Saturday 16 December Exhibition of winning artworks displayed at Midland Junction Arts Centre
Wednesday 6 December Award ceremony at Rose Garden, Mundaring [3:30pm-4:30pm]
Saturday 16 December Award ceremony at Midland Junction Arts Centre [1pm]
Exhibition and Prizes:
All submitted artworks will be displayed in a virtual exhibition.
Up to 26 prizes, each valued at $50, will be awarded.
One entry per student.
The school associated with the winning entry will receive an additional $50, to be used for purchasing environmental education resources.
Exceptional entries will earn "Highly Commended" book prizes.
Winning artworks may be adapted into engaging public displays, such as banners or walking trails within the Shire of Mundaring.
26 x 1 MAC Inc membership (one year only) prizes for winning entry schoolteacher. Membership benefits include:
10% discount in the Mundaring Arts Centre shop
10% discount on Mundaring and Midland Junction Arts Centre workshops
10% discount on hire of exhibition and AiR studio spaces at Mundaring and Midland Junction Arts Centre
15% discount at Jacksons Drawing Supplies >
Invitations to exhibition openings, artist talks and events
Mundaring and Midland Junction Arts Centre’s monthly e-newsletters featuring exciting workshop opportunities, new pieces from the MAC Shop, information about upcoming exhibitions, and much more