2019 entry by Safiya Felicity
The closing date for the 2022 Environmental Art Project has been extended to 5pm Wednesday 26 October 2022.
This is to allow students, teachers and parents more time to utilise the soon to be released video tutorials with artist and biodiversity educator Angela Rossen.
Mundaring Arts Centre Inc. welcomed news in mid-August that we received support from the Department of Local Government, Sport and Cultural Industries towards digital aspects of the project including the video tutorials but have faced some delays outside of our control in production.
We expect the videos to be available by the end of the Term 3 (23 September) and hope that students, teachers and parents can utilise them over the school holidays and in the first few weeks of Term 4, with entries due in Week 3 (Wednesday 26 October).
Please keep an eye on our website and socials for the videos, we’re really excited to share them with you.
Important dates
Wednesday 26 October
Entries close 5pm (Deliver in person or via post to Mundaring Arts Centre, 7190 Great Eastern Hwy, Mundaring WA 6073)
Monday 7 November
Entrants notified of results
Friday 11 November onwards
Virtual exhibition of all entries online
Friday 11 November - Sunday 11 December
Exhibition of winning artworks displayed at Midland Junction and Mundaring Arts Centres
Thursday 8 December
Award Ceremony at Mundaring Rose Garden
Award Ceremony at Midland Junction Arts Centre